Rug Hooking Magazine

Hooked on Handwork

  • Hooked on Handwork


Design a Rug Inspired by Fibers, Textiles, and Handcrafts

Kathleen Eckhaus


Hooked on Handwork is not a “how-to” book. It is the ultimate “I can do it” book! Kathleen is a teacher and photographer. She teaches rug hooking and preschool music and has acted as photographer for several textile and weaving books. She was inspired to write this book by her rug hooking students. Many of them leave her classes with a completed or nearly completed project and they are almost always enthusiastic about doing another hooked piece. They understand the hooking process and are confident in their ability to hook. But so many of them think they cannot design.


Kathleen is sure that is wrong. Her mantra is that we can design our own hooked pieces by paying attention to what is around us and what captures our attention. For this book, she chose both brand new rug hookers and masters of their craft to show how other fiber arts can inspire our designs. The delightful rugs in this book will give new and experienced designers a new way to look at the textile art around them. Such simple ideas will urge you to put marker to backing and will inspire the reader to create personal rugs that will be treasured for generations.


Be sure to get yourself a copy of this one for your rug hooking bookshelf!


Higher in Canada

136 pages

ISBN 978-1-945550-60-7

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Hooked on Handwork

  • Product Code: RFS22B
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $28.95

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