WCM Spring 1998

  • WCM Spring 1998

Summer 1998

Cover macaw by Floyd Scholz

Beginner's Notebook: The First Step: Choosing Your Tools, Part One
Getting the most from your carving dollar
by Glenn Ladenberger

Blue-winged Teal Hen Project, Part Two
Airbrush this attractive duck
by George Kruth

Strong Necks and Bills
Lamination and doweling techniques
by David Tippey

Charles “Chippy” Chase
In memorial

Planning a Common Loon
It's all in the design
by Robert L. Buyer

The Allure of Tropical Birds
Macaws and toucans make unusual carvings
by Floyd Scholz

Songbird Head Portraits, Part Two, photography by Maslowski Wildlife Productions

Songbirds Legs and Feet
Solder strong legs from brass rod
by Don McKinlay

The Far-flying Brant
A long journey takes a short time; reference photos
by Gary Kramer

Carving a Palm Frond
Tips for creating pieces from this challenging wood
by Laurie J. Lundell Gmyrek

Tools from Other Trades by Frank Werner

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WCM Spring 1998

  • Product Code: XSPR98
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $12.95