WCM Winter 2004
Winter 2004
A wigeon and chick by Richard Reeves is on the cover
Beginner's Notebook: Yellow-throated Warbler, Part Two
Shape the bird
by Glenn Ladenberger
Pintail hen and chick
A project with a family feel
by Richard Reeves
Live Bird Bonus: Endangered Species
Piping plover, northern spotted owl, and Florida grasshopper sparrow
Black-bellied Whistling Duck Bust, Part Two
Painting the head
by Jamie Welsh
Evening Grosbeak Painting Notes
Color mixes and painting tips
by Jerry Poindexter
Symbol of the Season
The Canada goose; reference photos
by Rick Burkman
Making Raptor Eyes
Make your own to get them right
by Richard Finch
Vincent Gianetto, III
Carving the Delaware River tradition
by D. G. Chasseur
WCM Winter 2004
- Product Code: XWIN04
- Availability: In Stock